I downloaded the ui.datepicker by "Marc Grabanski"

Herez the problem

1. I am dynamically creating the JSON object & passing it to the
2. This works fine as long as I do not add "onSelect" to the JSON
object.but If I hard code it works

                        showOn : "button",
                        buttonImage : "../calendar.png",
                        buttonImageOnly : true,
                        minDate : calendarContext.cal_startDate,  // picked 
from variable
                        maxDate : calendarContext.cal_endDate, // picked from 
                        onSelect : function(date)
{re_renderLinked_Calendar(calendarContext.selectedDateEl, date);}

When I dynamically add the onSelect I get the following error
    "onSelect.apply is not a function"

This could be something silly, but I am just not able to understand
whats going on


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