I've been working on a site that is really heavy with jquery stuff,
but have found it almost impossible to get even pretty basic stuff
working in safari 2 on a Mac.

The development site is at: http://dev2.drfoster.co.uk/

the scripts I've written are at: 
& http://dev2.drfoster.co.uk/script/graph.js, and i'm using jquery

The graphs & all the page functions work as intended in all the
browsers I need (ie6 + win, firefox 2+, safari 3 mac, safari win etc),
but in safari 2 Mac the browser originally just crashed. I added
browser detection and created some basic alternative stuff, but as
soon as I add more than a few functions, the site stops working.

Has anyone had a similar issue with jquery, safari 2 (and perhaps
google maps API?)

Thanks for listening!

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