
I am trying to find some one to be my mentor and teach me programming
as I work. I am a novice and dont have a formal education in
programming but I do have some skills. I am actively reading these
days but that leaves a void in learning. I am in new orleans right
now. I am not sure how much time I can devote with my job I will
ultimately leave my Job when I start to grasp things well and do it
full time. I am MD by education and against resistance of my near dear
one's I have decided to go into it. It would sound crazy to many but
thats how I think. I want to do what I like and I like programming
more than my medicine.

I am 32 and dont want to go through the traditional way by going to
college. I had developed joomlaprodigy website (if someone knows
that), which I sold last year because I was still keeping on to my
medicine. Over this last year I have decided to switch now. I work in
Tulane at the moment and as soon as I get better picture of my career
possibilities I will go into learning programming full time. I hope to
go into robotics related to medicine especially orthopedics field,( my
post graduation) later.  I will burn bridges on my back once I get the
feeling that I can learn it to the extent I want to learn it.

Please give me some suggestions on this and if someone can take me as
his/her student.( I don't need any money to be paid)

If someone think I am stupid for leaving a medicine career for
programming, please dont write that. I have heard that from millions.



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