since the image is loaded dynamicly,you should use the jquery.listen plugin.

It will allow you to 'listen' for the element and attach a click event to
the newly created image.

$('#mydiv').listen( 'click', 'img.myimgclass', function(){
       //My code to run


On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 7:30 AM, Topayung, Amdys Max <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi,,
> This is what i change so far.. But it always execute the alert each time
> the image is loading.
>    $.fn.image = function(src, f){
>       return this.each(function(){
>         var i = new Image();
>         i.src = src;
>         i.onload = f;
> *i.onclick = alert(c);*
>         this.appendChild(i);
>      });
>    }
>  $("#thumbnail").image(returData[0],*"satu"*,function(){});
> Thanks..
> Regards.
> Amdys

Robert Benchley  - "Drawing on my fine command of the English language, I
said nothing."

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