Each .append() expects a complete (and best if valid) element. So where
you've got .append("<span>") near the beginning of your chain, and
.append("</span>") near the end, you need .append("<span></span") or
.append("<span/>") just near the beginning.

Each append on the chain will append a complete element, so if you need to
append multiple nested elements in one go, better to build a simple string
and append that. Like so:


Note: I changed your span to a div since its not valid for a span to contain
a fieldset.

- Richard

On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 7:35 PM, paceman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Any idea why the following chain does not work in IE6, but works in
> Firefox:
> $new.append("<span>").children().attr("class",
> "folder").append("<fieldset>").children().load("?leaf_type=" +
> leaf_type, function () {
>  $(this).parent().find("#addtreeform").ajaxForm(add_options);
> }).append("</fieldset>").append("</span>").append("</li>");
> where $new is a JQuery object.  IE6 does not report a Javascript
> error, but the load is not performed.
> I solved it by having the Server do most of it, shortening the JQuery
> to:
> $new.load("?leaf_type=" + leaf_type, function ()  {
>  $(this).parent().find("#addtreeform").ajaxForm(add_options);
> }).append("</fieldset>").append("</span>").append("</li>");
> I assume the problem must be somewhere between (including) the
> append() at the beginning to the load().  I thought JQuery works the
> same in both Firefox and IE?
> Thanks in advance.

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