
>i'm relatively new to jQuery and the world of javascript but since
>i've started using it it's opened up a huge amount of possibilities
>that i'm know everyone has encountered!!
>anyway, i was hoping that someone with a bit more experience and
>knowledge could help me out and possibly take a look at something and
>see why the performance of this particular animation is so badly
>affected, as it is the same function/animation that is used on other
>pages of the site and that works really smoothly.
>I am assuming there must be a conflict or heavy load somehwere causing
>the dramatic reduction in performance of the animation...
>the page that is affected is here:
>and the page that it seems to work fine is here:
>it is the animation of the right hand side pane (opened when you click
>the links) and the slide down that occurs once the page has been
>successfully requested via an ajax call. as i say i'm new and this is
>my first major project using the framework and no doubt i am not doing
>things the best way, but at the moment im just trying to learn as
>quick as i can!!!

I didn't notice any speed difference between the 2 pages. The fx fluidity
seemed the same to me.

What I would recommend doing any time you're having a problem, is updating
to the latest build of jQuery. I see you're running v1.2.3 and v1.2.6 is the
latest release. Upgrading to v1.2.6 will also remove the need for the
"jquery.dimension.js" plug-in, since all that functionality is now
integrated into jQuery.

A couple of other notes:

1) You're using a speed of 1000ms (1 second) for your fx. You might want to
use a faster speed. If you have a lot of stuff happening in the background
(like lots of setIntervals or functions that keep calling setTimeout) then
that can affect the fluidity of animations.

2) Since the content panel is draggable, I'd make sure you're running the
latest version of the UI plug-ins too. There's been lots of work on these
plug-ins to fix various bugs and issues. 


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