Does this work?

    $('#select_project').html(options).attr({ size: ''+dropsize });


p.s. I note that you're taking care to use double quotes for your HTML
attributes - that's a Good Thing. A suggestion: Instead of having to keep
track of when to use double quotes for your JavaScript strings and when to
use single quotes (because there's a double quote inside the string), I've
found it easier to simply use single quotes for all of my JavaScript strings
- then I only have to switch to double quoted strings in the much rarer
cases where I need a single quote inside the string. (Of course you can
always use backslash, but that's ugly.)

> How do I dynamically change size of select box depending on 
> the number of responses retreived froma getJSON [code]
>     $.getJSON("select.php",
>       {project:"%"  }, function(json){
>         var dropsize=json.length +2;
>         var options = "";
>         options += '<option value="%">All Projects</option>';
>         for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
>           options += '<option value="'+json[i]['project']+'">'+json[i]
> ['project']+'</option>';
>         }
>         $("#select_project").html(options);
> [/code]
> now I want to set the select box to have a size=dropsize for 
> example if the getJSON returned 8, dropsize=8 and the select 
> would look like
>           <select id="select_project" name="select_project" size="8">

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