That is, just specify the meta-option - if you don't use metadata to
specify rules, thats it.


On Sun, Jul 13, 2008 at 12:59 AM, Jörn Zaefferer
> Use the meta-option to namespace metadata for the validation plugin:
> $("...").validate({
>  meta: "rules"
> });
> class="{rules:{required:true}}"
> Jörn
> On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 7:49 PM, Dreftymac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Problem:
>> =====
>> It appears that jQuery validator plugin always assumes that metadata
>> attached to an element is intended for use by the validator plugin,
>> when metadata is attached to an element and validator plugin does not
>> know what to do with it, it throws an error:
>> TypeError: jQuery.validator.methods[b.method] has no properties
>> Steps To Reproduce:
>> =====
>> Use the validator plugin as normal, and create your validation rules
>> using the format:
>> $('#myform').validate({...})
>> Then, add any custom metadata to an input element, where the custom
>> metadata is
>> intended for use by something else besides validator
>> class="has_metadata {mymeta:{foo:'helloworld'}}"
>> Then, run your code as usual, and jQuery.validator throws the above
>> message.
>> If no one has a proposal for how to fix this, is it possble to to
>> attach metadata to an element using other means so that metadata and
>> validator can work together at the same time but for different
>> purposes?

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