Hello all,

I'm using jQuery 1.2.6 and Validation 1.3, and I'm getting an error
message in my firebug console when I click (for the first time) any
field in my form.

validator is undefined
Line 291

My jQuery code is as follows:

  // There is a bunch of other code here that inits animations on the
page and stuff.
    rules: {
      "submitGame[creator]": {required: true},
      "submitGame[gameTitle]": {required: true},
      "submitGame[gameSummary]": {required: true},
      "submitGame[gameDetails]": {required: true}
    messages: {
      "submitGame[creator]": {required: "You must specify if you are
the creator personally or the leader of a team."},
      "submitGame[gameTitle]": {required: "Please enter the title of
your game."},
      "submitGame[gameSummary]": {required: "Please enter a summary of
your game."},
      "submitGame[gameDetails]": {required: "Please enter the details
of your game."}
    errorContainer: "#errorDiv",
    errorLabelContainer: "#errorDiv ul",
    wrapper: "li",
    submitHandler: function() { alert("Submitted!") }

I've tried rolling jQuery back each version to 1.2.2 with it throwing
the same error.  Any ideas?


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