john6630 wrote on 7/12/2008 9:31 PM:
I have studied the jqModal plug-in and Alexandre Plennevaux's tutorial
on using this with an IFrame. It seems to me, I can emmulate my
windows programming approach using a main page with navigation which
launches various other pages using jqModal and Ajax. If that is
possible, won't the stateless issue be resolved since I can use global
variables on the main page to store autorization, activity, state,
etc.? It seems this would be an exact fit to my current programming
process. It also would not require a "framework" since my app is
essentially the total framework.

You could code a webapp like this, where it's driven from a master page on the 
client side.  The issue is if the client is responsible for storing 
authorization, state, etc, then a malicious user could circumvent your 
authorization and change their state.  That's why the proliferation of 
server-side frameworks; they provide the scaffolding you need to build a secure 
web app (a way to maintain the state of the client, a way to authorize them, 

The #1 rule for secure webapp programming is to treat all client input (headers 
and request) as hostile until proven otherwise (or sanitized).

- Bil

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