For dynamicly loaded elements you will need to use a plugin.

I suggest the 'listen' plugin.

Refer to the FAQ for more information.<>

On Sun, Jul 13, 2008 at 9:46 PM, Tom Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am using this code to add a new item to a list
> $("#addLinks").submit(function()
> {
>        $.post("addLinks.php",{ step:'addLink',title:$
> ('#title').val(),url:$('#url').val(),pageID:$('#pageID').val()} ,
>        function(data)
>        {
>                        $('#'+$('#pageID').val()).
>                        append("<li id='link_'"+data+"><a
> href='javascript://'
> id='delete' onclick='deleteitem("+data+"); return false;'><img
> src='img/delete.gif' /></a><h1>"+$('#title').val()+"</h1><p>"+$
> ('#url').val()+"</p></li>");
>                        $('#link_'+data).effect("pulsate", { times: 3 },
> 1000);
>        });
>       return false;
> });
> as you can see i am adding <a href='javascript://' id='delete'
> onclick='deleteitem("+data+"); return false;'><img src='img/
> delete.gif' /></a>
> to delete the newest dom element.
> this works on page refresh but I would like it to work right after
> someone added the dom element
> here is what i am using to delete data from the database and the
> element that goes along with the delete item
> function deleteitem(id) {
>        $(function() {
>                $.post("addLinks.php",{ step:'deleteLink',linkId:+id});
>                        $('#link_'+id).remove();
>     });
> }
> $('#link_'+id).remove();  removes the item after a page refresh. How
> can it the element be removed without a page refresh after being added
> thanks
> -tom

Fred Allen  - "Television is a medium because anything well done is rare."

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