It's pretty gool!

2008/7/13 Diego A. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi JB,
> Thank you for spotting this problem and posting back with the solution.
> I've added this fix to the plugin and will publish it on Monday (when I
> have FTP access).
> Cheers,
> Diego A.
> 2008/7/9 JB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> I figured this out, just in case anyone else has the same problem.
>> The issue revolves around brackets [ ] not being allowed in css class
>> names.
>> The plugin takes the name of the field and uses it to generate a class
>> name of the form "star_group_yourfieldnamehere" so with a rails form
>> field, you'd end up with a class name like:
>> star_group_mymodel[myfield]
>> which is an illegal css class name.  I fixed this by changing the
>> following code:
>> var n =;
>> to this:
>> var n =^(.*?)\[(.*?)\]$/, "$1_$2");
>> var real_n =;
>> this removes the brackets and makes rails form names appear like
>> mymodel_myfield instead of mymodel[myfield].  I defined real_n so that
>> it can still be used for the hidden field.  Works like a charm now!
>> On Jul 9, 9:58 am, JB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Hi -
>> >
>> > I'm trying to use the excellent star rating plugin from fyneworks
>> > ( with a rails project I'm
>> > working on.  I'm running into a bit of an issue that I wonder if
>> > anyone else has seen.
>> >
>> > Typical names of form fields in a rails app look something like this:
>> >
>> > mymodel[myfield]
>> >
>> > which I suspect is causing an issue with this plugin.  If I leave the
>> > form as generated by rails, with names like above, then the mouseout
>> > and click events don't behave properly.  mouseout doesn't remove the
>> > stars the way it should, and clicking on a star only highlights the
>> > star you clicked on, instead of all the stars before it also.
>> >
>> > If I manually hack the form names to be regular names, like "myfield"
>> > instead of "mymodel[myfield]" then it works perfectly, but of course
>> > then rails won't process my form correctly because the names aren't
>> > right.
>> >
>> > Has anyone else run into this kind of problem?  Any solutions anyone
>> > can think of?  I tried going through the plugin code, but I'm afraid
>> > my jQuery-fu isn't where it needs to be to spot the problem.
>> >
>> > Any help is greatly appreciated.....thanks!
> --
> Cheers,
> Diego A.

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