Scoping on the window where jQuery has been loaded. You must try to
force scoping on the iframe.
So don't forget to give a name and an id for each window, allows to
communicate better between them.
After that, check if the jqmodal can scope the correct DOM branch.

You can put the jqmodal script into the parent window (the master
window) and call jqdialog method from the opener|parent (you can pass
variable to determine using permissions of the script methods). You
can try this, I am using this method with Prototype framework and
other dialog box ( (i)frame mode ).


On 15 juil, 02:09, Tiancheng  Zhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> has anyone tried to load a page within an iframe and pop open a
> jqmodal within the iframed page?  I'm trying to center the modal in
> the middle of the window of the browser, but if your iframed page is
> really low and extends below the fold of the browser window, then the
> modal will open in the middle of the iframed page (irregardless of
> where the window is scrolled to, top, bottom, etc)
> if anyone has any ideas on how to fix this, please please help!  I've
> tried all forms of css expressions to use
> document.documentElement.parent, etc, etc, but nothing seems to work...

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