livequery accepts two parameters, the first is the event to which a
function (the 2nd parameter) is bound to.

$('a.someLink').livequery('click', function() {
  // anchors with a class of 'someLink'
  // can now be dynamically inserted to the dom
  // yet still have an 'onclick' event associated with them
  // as compared to the event only being bound on document ready

On Jul 16, 2:05 pm, hubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to get live query to work, so that it will add a new class
> to links that have just been added to the DOM through ajax.
> Something is not right though:
> $('a.calendarNavLink').livequery(function(){
>         $(this).addClass('ajax');
>             });
> Have I done something wrong here?

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