All right, here's my situation

I have a bunch of articles stored in my database, plain jane HTML ones
submitted by a few hundred different people (read: people of all
varying levels of HTML expertise, from none to expert)

In some of these HTML snippets are <div>'s and <tables> and other
items that one way or another have a width specified (via CSS, inline
style, or width parameters)

What i need to do is take these snippets of HTML and somehow restrict
the width of these items to the size of the 'viewport' of the page (i
am making an iPhone friendly version of the site)

Now if the width's were defined in a consistent manner, then i would
just search and replace on the server when i pull the HTML from the
database, but there's so many different variations that doing this
isn't realistic

is there some way that jQuery could be of help here?

i've already taken a run at this using "LiveQuery" and saying:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
   jQuery("div").livequery(function() {
       console.log('Div: ', jQuery(this).width());

just to see if i could at least "see" all div's that need action taken
against them, but all i get from that is "NaN"....  even if i could
get the div's i need, i am not sure what i could do to skinny them up

So i am open for suggestions...

oh, to see an example of this: (no worries pulling it up in Firefox or
whatever), then click "Articles", then "Newest 8", and the first one
will show what i mean...  the article text is wrapped in <div
style="width: 600px;"></div> and that's inside a Viewport that's only
320 px wide

Again, changing the text in the article isn't an option, there's
simply way too many ways over these 7+ years of articles that width
has been set

Thanks in advance

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