Hi Pete,

Yes, Sam's selector will definitely stop climbing the DOM once it finds the first match. That's what the :eq(0) part does.

The :first selector does the same thing as :eq(0), so this would work equally as well:


Karl Swedberg

On Jul 18, 2008, at 2:51 AM, ProggerPete wrote:

Mmm tasty.  That does look the goods.  Do you know whether under the
hood it is smart enough to stop climbing the DOM once it finds the 1st


On Jul 17, 5:40 pm, Sam Collett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How about:


Does that do what you want?



On Jul 17, 7:51 am, ProggerPete <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Andy,
 parents doesn't do quite what I want.  I want a method I can use in
event delegation handlers that basically says, 'Give me the nearest x element'. I could of course check the current element, if it doesn't
match I could then do a parents and then work on the 1st result in
that, but that would be a bunch of extra processing for no gain (while
it continues to check parents that I have no interest in).

 I was more after info about any silly things I've done while
implementing the function.  I've since discovered pushStack which
helps a fair bit.  =)


On Jul 15, 6:19 pm, "Andy Matthews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


There is a built in parent method which does pretty much what you're doing.


Look under parents().

-----Original Message-----
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery- [EMAIL PROTECTED] On

Behalf Of ProggerPete
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 10:41 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery]MyfirstjQueryplugin

Hi folks,
I'm very new to jQuery and am playing around with what is possible.

I found myself wanting a findParent function and couldn't spot one ready made. I'd love it if people could give me feedback onmyimplementation. I'm sure there's plenty I could do better. If this function also exists I'd
like to know where it is too.  =)

* return thefirstparent that matches the selector. Optionally include
the src element in the search  */ $.fn.findParent = function() {
       var _this, _selector, _includeSelf, _result;

       function find(index, elem)
               if (!_includeSelf) elem = elem.parentNode;
               while (elem)
                       if ($(elem).is(_selector)) return
                       elem = elem.parentNode;

       function _findParent(selector, includeSelf)
               var thisp = _this = this;
               _selector = selector;
               _includeSelf = includeSelf;
               _result = [];
               var retObj = $(_result);
               retObj.end = function () { return thisp };
               return retObj;

       return _findParent;


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