I have been working on a script, that will put a URL into a var when a
link is clicked.  Then, when a second link is clicked a confirm dialog
appears, if you click ok, that var is printed.

Problem is, it works only the first time you click one of the first
links.  If you click a second link, and then the link that activates
the confirm, it throws 2 confirm dialogs, one for the first link, and
one for the second link.  How can I make the var get overwritten each
time a new link is clicked?

$("a.test").click(function() {
   var location = $(this).attr("rel");
     $("#test2").click(function() {
      var answer = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this
          if (answer) { $("#textTest").text(location); }

<a class="test" rel="http://www.microsoft.com"; href="#">Remove</a> <a
class="test" rel="http://www.apple.com"; href="#">Remove</a> <a
id="test2" href="#">Add</a>
<div id="textTest"></div>

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