            .append("Connessione in corso..<br>")

If you don't need to wait for window.onload, then you can replace the
first line for
$().ready(function() {


Ariel Flesler

On 18 jul, 11:02, k8 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> i have a one problem..
> Script JS:
> $().ready(function() {
>           $(window).load(function () {
>                 $("#content").append("Connessione in corso..<br>");
>                 $.get("bot.php", function(data){
>                          $("#content").html(data);
>                 });
>     });
> });
> /* file bot.php */
>    while($i<85000){
>         echo "$i<br>";
>         $i++;
>         }
> /****************************/
> Why my script dosn't work perfectly?
> I found one error by firefox 'debug error'.
> Sorry for my english.
> Thanks.

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