Hello everyone!
I'm playing around with the great treeview control. I've been using
the .asyc extension to load huge trees into the page using ajax.
Right now I just use settings { url: "page.php?parameters..."} as base
page for request. This page will give back the content depending on
the current expanding root.

Right here everything works fine, but now I'm having the problem that
I've two treeviews depending each other.
In the first one I use the previous method, but for the second I need
to change the parameters for the "{url: XXXX}" depending on the
selection of the first one.

I would like to know how is possible to force to reload the second
I've a functino that is being called when I select one element in the
first tree:

function SelectedFirstTree()
    var selectedElement=blablalbabla..

Basically is how to declare this Reload funciton :(

Thank you very much in advance :)

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