I have your same problem here 

On Jun 6, 1:22 pm, Greg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everybody!
> I use jQuery 1.2.6 and I encounter a little issue.
> I try to do some COMET (server push), here is an overview of my
> code (simplified) :
> jQuery.ajax({
>      type: "POST",
>      url: "request",
>      dataType: "json",
>      data: myJsonData,
>      success:
>         function(data)
>         {
>             // do something
>         },
>      error:
>         function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown)
>         {
>             // do something
>         }
>   })
> Very simple, isn't it?
> So after receiving such arequestthe server part may hold the
> connection according to myJsonData. The server will release the
> connection when its state changes. It's a simple server push.
> But when the connection is open for alongtime it will be
> automatically closed, I don't know why. This closing is not a problem
> for me because the error function (see the code above) will be
> called... But it's not the case! After a TCP closing the Ajax function
> will still remains in waiting state.
> I made some screenshots:
>  TCP connection closed:http://www.gburri.org/bordel/comet/tcp_stream.png
>  but AJAX connection still 
> waiting:http://www.gburri.org/bordel/comet/firebug.png
> Does anyone have any idea about this issue?
> /Greg

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