Here's what I do when I'm faced with this situation...

1. Grab the Demo:
- create a new folder for this plugin
- save the source of the demo page as a static XHTML file
- check through the source for all the related resource files (css,
js, images) and then download them from the demo page to the folder I
just created
- change all the paths in the XHTML file to point to the related
resource files in their new location

At this point, you should be able to open up the XHTML file in a
browser and everything should work just the way it does on the
(online) demo page.

2. Clean Up the Demo...  this part requires a bit of patience and a
bit of trial & error:
- take out any HTML elements that's not relevant to the specific
element I want to work with, (in your case, the iPod nav plugin)
- take out any CSS that applies to the HTML elements that I just
- you should be left with just the iPod nav plugin.

Now that you've done this, it's easy to play with the plugin, tweak
it, skin it... whatever you need to do w/o messing up the final
project that you want it integrated into.

3. Re-Skin the Plugin
- if needed, make changes to the visual elements of the plugin using
CSS & images
- I try and match the dimensions that I need for final destination of
the plugin

4. Integrate into Current Project
- this often requires making new (unique) CSS ID's so that when you
drop the plugin into your current project, it doesn't bork everything
- copy the markup & CSS into your current project.  Make sure all of
the resource files are sources properly.
- if you've done everything right, it _should_ just work.  More often
than not, I need to go back and tweak things further to make sure that
they worked out properly.

This isn't the easiest process in the world... it requires a bit of
concentration & effort.  But once you've done it, you'll not only have
a functioning plugin, you'll also have a much better idea of how it


- dleifm.

On Jul 21, 10:08 pm, MorningZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "We no have support and download =/"
> How about:
> - find something else
> or
> - figure it out on your own
> granted i know nothing about this plugin nor the people who created
> it, but (very) obviously they no longer are actively involved with it
> or supporting it....  so maybe it's time to spend your time looking
> elsewhere than wasting anymore than the month+ you already have

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