Interface doesn't work with jQuery 1.2+ and has been abandoned. Take a look
at jQuery UI, which provides an upgrade path:



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- Richard

On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 5:12 AM, Max Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I've been using jQuery for a while, and some plugins, such as in-place
> editing and treeview with no problems.  I'm not trying to use this
> drag-and-drop plugin, NestedSortable
> ( which uses some of the
> functions added by Interface.  However, i can't get interface working for
> some reason.  I have it set up as follows (in a rails app):
> -public
>  -javascripts
>    -interface
>      +compressed
>      +source
>       interface.js
>    inestedsortable-1.0.1.pack.js
>    jquery.js
>    jquery.scrollTo.min.js
>    some_other_js_file.js
>    etc - lots of other js files
> In other words, interface lives in its own folder.  Then, in the page where
> i want to use the NestedSortable plugin i reference it like this:
> <script src="/javascripts/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
> <script src="/javascripts/interface/interface.js"
> type="text/javascript"></script>
> <script src="/javascripts/inestedsortable-1.0.1.pack.js"
> type="text/javascript"></script>
> But, when the code to set up the nested sortable stuff is run, i get this
> error message (in the firebug console):
> jQuery(".over-apply").labelOver is not a function
> Which makes me think that the interface stuff hasn't loaded - is labelOver
> from Interface?  The drag and drop stuff sort of works but is a bit broken,
> so i'm guessing some functions have loaded while others (like labelOver)
> haven't.
> Like i say i've used other plugins with no problems so i'm probably just
> missing some vital bit of information - like where to put the interface
> files for example.
> Can anyone help?  thanks - max
> --
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