I'm still unable to get this to work after trying all weekend.  Is it
even possible to slide one div up while simultaneously sliding up
another div?

On Aug 15, 3:01 pm, clrockwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to animate two divs for a sliding effect.  The div
> currently being shown in the window slides up as it should but the
> following div just appears without the animation.
> The code is:
> $('#np_current').css('overflow', 'auto');
>                                         var curHeight = 
> "-"+getHeight($('#np_current'));
>                                         $('#np_current').css('overflow', 
> 'hidden');
> $('#np_current').animate({'marginTop': curHeight}, 1000,
> function() {$(this).hide()}).removeAttr('id').attr('id', 'remove');
>                                         $('#np_next').css('overflow', 'auto');
>                                         var nxtHeight = 
> getHeight($('#np_next'));
> $('#np_next').animate({'marginBottom':'nxtHeight'}, 1000,
> function() {$(this).show()});
> This can be seen here:www.truckingshow.com/testby clicking on the
> 'next' button.  If you do not see a next button, try refreshing the
> page until it appears (it only shows when there are 3 more entries).
> I just cannot figure it out and any help is appreciated.
> Thanks much - chris

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