James wrote on 8/18/2008 10:04 AM:
Does anyone know if it is possible to remove html comments from the
DOM with jQuery?

My problem is that I really need a page to render in full standards-
compliance mode in IE, but my outdated corporate CMS (Vignette)
inserts an html comment at the beginning of every page which throws IE
into quirks mode rendering. (Ordinarily this is not a major problem, I
just code with the appropriate CSS hacks to accomodate quirks mode).
In this instance though, it's causing some very jerky show/hide
animations which only become smooth in standards compliance mode.

If IE is in quirks mode, can you reset it to standards mode by adjusting the 

Another option is to place a proxy between your CMS and the internet and use 
the proxy to strip off the HTML comment.

- Bil

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