That should've worked. Can you provide a test-case page?

On Aug 19, 12:02 am, Cormac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Could you please tell me how to do it properly? I tried writing "<\/
> script>", but it didn't work.
> Thanks!
> On Aug 19, 4:38 am,Ryura<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > .before('google code here')
> > You'll want to escape any </script>'s.
> > On Aug 18, 6:49 pm, Cormac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hello everyone,
> > > I'm new to jQuery (and to programming, as a matter of fact). Still, I
> > > have this task: find a certain element on an html page and insert a
> > > google ad before it (or just anywhere nearby). I have no problems
> > > finding the necessary element, but I just cannot understand how to
> > > insert any piece of code nearby it. All I can insert is usual text.
> > > For a few hours I tried using .before(), getScript("/script.js"),
> > > before ( eval("google code here") ), .before("<!--#include virtual='/
> > > script.js' -->") and just everything I could understand more or less.
> > > Unfortunately, it doesn't work.
> > > I would be very grateful, if anyone could tell me how to do this. I
> > > tried searching this group, but to no avail.
> > > Thanks in advance!

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