what is "div#kurort_select "?
I can't find that in your markup.

On Aug 19, 5:58 am, pervak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all!
>  I've tried to use cascade plugin from Mike Nichols and everything
> goes fine until i need to adjust it for the several dropdowns.
> [code]
> <td class="tdg" id="a_g_s">
>         <div class="all_geo_select">
>             <div id="country_sel">
>             Country<br />
> <select name="country_id[]">
> <option value="0">Select the country</option>
> <option value="1">Austria</option>
> <option value="2">Bali</option>
> </select>
>             </div>
>             <div id="resort_select">
>             Resort<br />
> <select name="resort_id[]">
> <option value="0">Select resort</option>
> <option value="4">Bad Blumau</option>
> </select>
>                 </div>
>         </div>    <!-- all geo 1 -->
>  <div class="all_geo_select">
>             <div id="country_sel">
>             Country<br />
> <select name="country_id[]">
> <option value="0">Select the country</option>
> <option value="1">Austria</option>
> <option value="2">Bali</option>
> </select>
>             </div>
>             <div id="resort_select">
>             Resort<br />
> <select name="resort_id[]">
> <option value="0">Select resort</option>
> <option value="4">Bad Blumau</option>
> </select>
>                 </div>
>         </div>    <!-- all geo 2 -->
> </td>
> [/code]
> I need that each Country drop down affects only on it's Resort drop
> down.
> I write this code:
> jQuery(document).ready(function() {
>         jQuery("td#a_g_s div.all_geo_select").each(function(i){
>         jQuery("div#kurort_select select",this).cascade("div#country_sel
> select",{
>                                                         ajax: {
>                                                                 url: 
> 'countries_ajax.js',
>                                                                 data: { 
> myotherdata: jQuery("#ajax_header").html() }
>                                                         },
>                                                         template: 
> commonTemplate,
>                                                         match: commonMatch
>                 });
>     }); // each
> });
> When I change the first div's Country it affects on both Resort drop
> downs (but changing the second div's Country affects nothing!).
> If I write
> jQuery("div#kurort_select select",this).cascade(this,"div#country_sel
> select",{
> It affects on each drop down but the options become empty.
> Help please to say THIS to cascade plugin.
> Thanks in advance, Alexander.

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