Why not just use the accordion that's built into jquery UI? It works  
great and can be skinned to look however you want.

On Aug 20, 2008, at 11:13 AM, JAVAddicted wrote:

> Hi,
> Does anyone know if there is a jQuery plugin that I can use in order
> to create a Accordion menu like that one placed on http://www.nasa.gov
> (on the right of the page) ?
> I've tried to copy and modify the source of the nasa guys, everything
> worked well, but their code uses prototype and I'm using jQuery
> everywhere on my website, and when I tried to put all the pieces
> together, I ended to a horrible thing, scripts don't work !!!
> Please, if anyone has passed though this or knew how to deal with
> this, drop me a line :) thanks ;)

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