Contains isn't really the right tool for the job. What you need here is an attribute selector, since you're trying to select something with an id attribute that ends in "url". Try this:

$(".M12_editBookmarks fieldset input[id$=url]").blur(function() {
  // do something


Karl Swedberg

On Aug 20, 2008, at 4:17 PM, PeteShaw wrote:


Apologies I'm new to jquery and javascript, the answer is probably
obvious but I have been staring at this for a while and while I have
something that works it seems a complete fudge. I was hoping someone
could point me in the right direction.

For a number of reasons I can't be certain of either class, name or id
of an input field (in a fieldset containing a number of inputs but
with one overall onblur), but need to check onblur to see if I need to
add another event specifically for this input based on a substring of
the id  or class.

the item concerned looks like this:
<input name="ctl05$url" type="text" id="ctl05_url" class="dyna-text
url" value="enter the bookmark url" />

The ctl05 part of the name/id can change and the class has dyna-text
added or removed also, so therefore in my action I want to check if
one of those values contains 'url'. I also know this input box is the
first in a set however wanted to avoid creating onblur specifically
for this (as like the other inputs has other onblur common
functionality for helptext etc.)

Anyhow I have managed trigger the specific event sucessfully within
the overall onblur function by the rather unwiedly (edited for

$(".M12_editBookmarks fieldset input).blur(function()

Do general stuff

if ($(this).attr("id") == $(".M12_editBookmarks fieldset
do specific stuff if matches


I tried all the options I could think of to get contains to work but
wasn't sure if this would work in this case i.e.:

if ($(this).attr("id:contains('url')"))
do specific stuff if matches


if ($(this).attr("id).contains('url'))
do specific stuff if matches

Can you use the contains option in such syntax (did I just get it
wrong), or is the wrong tool for the job?

Anyone point out the most likely blinding obvious? ;)



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