hey guys,

been trying to make this work but haven't been successful yet, I was
wondering what I was doing wrong...

basically I have a div groupWrapper where all of my "items" are
contained and whenever something is added it's appended to the

The problem is that only the first item is draggable, but I can make
it switch places with all of the other items.

this is what my items look like

<div id="question{0}" class="groupItem">
        <div class="itemHeader"><h2>Question {0}</h2></div>
        <div class="itemContent">
             <!-- in here there are a few <ul> and <div> elements -->

and whenever the Add button is pressed itemHeader and itemContent gets
replicated so in the add function I also have


where newId is just an incremented value that corresponds to the next
question id that just got loaded on the page

any ideas why this isn't working?

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