That should've been appendTo!


On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 12:34 PM, PanPan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have tried but it doesn't work. I was thinking it was because of the
> synthax error "apentTo", but "apendTo" didn't work at all.
> $(document).ready(function(){
>       $("#News").validate({
>                                        rules: {
>                                                TitleNews: {required: true, 
> minLength:
> 10},
>                                                IntroNews: {required: false, 
> minLength:
> 150},
>                                ContentNews: {required: true,
> minLength: 200},
>                                                TagsNews: {required: false, 
> minLength: 5}
>                                        },
>                                        messages: {
>                                                TitleNews:
>                                {       required: "Merci de rentrer un
> titre.",
>                                                        minlength: "Votre 
> titre doit contenir au
> moins 10 caractères !"
>                                                },
>                                                IntroNews: {minlength: 
> "L'intro doit
> contenir au moins 150 caractères !"},
>                                                ContentNews:
>                                { required: "Merci de rentrer le
> contenu de votre news !",
>                                                        minlength: "Le contenu 
> de votre news
> doit être au moins de 200 caractères !"
>                                                },
>                                                TagsNews: {minlength: "Le 
> contenu des
> tags doit être d'au moins 5 caractères !"}
>                                        },
>                                        errorPlacement: function(error, 
> element) {
>                                var ids = {"TitleNews": "#TitleError",
> "IntroNews": "#IntroError"};
> error.appendTo(ids[element.attr("id")]);
>                               }
>                                });
>                          });
> Thanks !
> On 21 août, 00:16, "Jörn Zaefferer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Try this:
>> errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
>>         var ids = {
>>                 "TitleNews": "#TitleError",
>>                 "IntroNews": "#IntroError"
>>         };
>>         error.appentTo(ids[element.attr("id")]);
>> }
>> Insert that at the appropiate place and fill out the other id pairs.
>> Let me know if that works.
>> Jörn
>> On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 9:35 PM, PanPan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > I'm so sorry but i really don't understand javascript, i use your
>> > script to simplify me the validation process of my form. I try many
>> > solution but no one works, can you help me ?
>> > I just want to put the error for the #TitleNews input in the
>> > #TitleError div...
>> > I have find and modify that, but i don't know how to precise the ID
>> > and not the form type (:input)
>> > errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
>> >                                if (":input"))
>> >                                    error.appendTo( "#TitleError" );
>> >                                else if (":checkbox") )
>> >                                    error.appendTo
>> > ( );
>> >                                else
>> > error.appendTo( element.parent().next() );
>> >                              }
>> > With that all my errors are going to the div#TitleError of course....
>> > because i have only input elements in my form.
>> > Thanks for wasting time with me.
>> > On 20 août, 14:49, "Jörn Zaefferer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > wrote:
>> >> Nope, that isn't supported. Though its easy enough to implement that
>> >> based on errorPlacement.
>> >> Jörn
>> >> 2008/8/20 PanPan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> >> > Thx for your response but i already watch the doc. Can we specify
>> >> > location without function ? ex:
>> >> > $(document).ready(function(){
>> >> >       $("#News").validate({
>> >> >       rules: {
>> >> >       TitleNews: {required: true,minLength: 10},
>> >> >       IntroNews: {required: false,minLength: 150},
>> >> >       ContentNews: {required: true,minLength: 200},
>> >> >       TagsNews: {required: false,minLength: 5}
>> >> >                 },
>> >> >       messages: {
>> >> >       TitleNews: {required: "<img src=\"style/imgs/action_stop.gif\"
>> >> > alt=\"\" />Merci de rentrer un titre<img src=\"style/imgs/
>> >> > action_stop.gif\" alt=\"\" />",
>> >> >                        minlength: "Votre titre doit contenir au moins
>> >> > 10 caractères !"},
>> >> >       IntroNews: {minlength: "L'intro doit contenir au moins 150
>> >> > caractères !"},
>> >> >       ContentNews: { required: "Merci de rentrer le contenu de votre
>> >> > news !",
>> >> >                               minlength: "Le contenu de votre news
>> >> > doit être au moins de 200 caractères !"},
>> >> >       TagsNews: {minlength: "Le contenu des tags doit être d'au moins
>> >> > 5 caractères !"}
>> >> >                        },
>> >> >        errorPlacement : {
>> >> >        IntroNews : #TitleError,
>> >> >        IntroNews : #IntroError,
>> >> >        ContentNews : #ContentError,
>> >> >        TagsNews : TagsError}
>> >> >                        });
>> >> >                          });
>> >> > Thanks !
>> >> > On 20 août, 12:49, "Jörn Zaefferer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >> > wrote:
>> >> >> Documentation for the various options, including errorPlacement, are
>> >> >> here
>> >> >> There are also various demos available, eg. the Remember The Milk
>> >> >> Registration form, which uses 
>> >> >> errorPlacement:
>> >> >> Jörn
>> >> >> 2008/8/19 PanPan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> >> >> > Hi everyone, i'm having trouble with the jQuery Validate plugin. I
>> >> >> > easily find how to validate my form, but i would like to specify
>> >> >> > location for every error message the validate plug-in send. But i
>> >> >> > don't find, i think it's withe the option "errorPlacement" but i 
>> >> >> > don't
>> >> >> > know how to use it exactly.
>> >> >> > Here is my code :
>> >> >> > $(document).ready(function(){
>> >> >> >       $("#News").validate({
>> >> >> >                                        rules:
>> >> >> >                              {
>> >> >> >                                                TitleNews: {required: 
>> >> >> > true,minLength:
>> >> >> > 10},
>> >> >> >                                                IntroNews: {required: 
>> >> >> > false,minLength:
>> >> >> > 150},
>> >> >> >                                ContentNews: {required:
>> >> >> > true,minLength: 200},
>> >> >> >                                                TagsNews: {required: 
>> >> >> > false,minLength: 5}
>> >> >> >                                        },
>> >> >> >                                        messages:
>> >> >> >                              {
>> >> >> >                                                TitleNews:
>> >> >> >                                {       required: "<img 
>> >> >> > src=\"style/imgs/
>> >> >> > action_stop.gif\" alt=\"\" />Merci de rentrer un titre<img 
>> >> >> > src=\"style/
>> >> >> > imgs/action_stop.gif\" alt=\"\" />",
>> >> >> >                                                        minlength: 
>> >> >> > "Votre titre doit contenir au
>> >> >> > moins 10 caractères !"
>> >> >> >                                                },
>> >> >> >                                                IntroNews: 
>> >> >> > {minlength: "L'intro doit
>> >> >> > contenir au moins 150 caractères !"},
>> >> >> >                                                ContentNews:
>> >> >> >                                { required: "Merci de rentrer le
>> >> >> > contenu de votre news !",
>> >> >> >                                                        minlength: 
>> >> >> > "Le contenu de votre news
>> >> >> > doit être au moins de 200 caractères !"
>> >> >> >                                                },
>> >> >> >                                                TagsNews: {minlength: 
>> >> >> > "Le contenu des
>> >> >> > tags doit être d'au moins 5 caractères !"}
>> >> >> >                                        }
>> >> >> >                                });
>> >> >> >                          });
>> >> >> > And the HTML :
>> >> >> > <form action="toto.php" method="POST" name="News" id="News">
>> >> >> >        <label for="TitleNews">Titre de la news*</label>
>> >> >> >        <input name="TitleNews" class="required" minlength="5" />
>> >> >> >        <div id="TitleError"></div>
>> >> >> >        <br />
>> >> >> >        <label>BBCode<br /><i>Pour l'intro.</i></label>
>> >> >> >        <div class="BoxToolbar">
>> >> >> >                <div id="hautdroit"></div>
>> >> >> >          <div id="hautgauche"></div>
>> >> >> >                <div id="contenu">
>> >> >> >            <?php AfficheToolbarBBCode("IntroNews") ;?>
>> >> >> >                </div>
>> >> >> >                <br />
>> >> >> >        </div>
>> >> >> >        <label for="IntroNews">Intro de la news</label>
>> >> >> >        <textarea name="IntroNews" id="IntroNews" style="height:
>> >> >> > 150px;"></textarea>
>> >> >> >        <div id="IntroError"><img src="style/imgs/action_stop.gif"
>> >> >> > alt="" />Intro Error !! <img src="style/imgs/action_stop.gif" alt="" 
>> >> >> > /
>> >> >> >></div>
>> >> >> >        <br />
>> >> >> >        <label>BBCode<br /><i>Pour le contenu.</i></label>
>> >> >> >        <div class="BoxToolbar">
>> >> >> >                <div id="hautdroit"></div>
>> >> >> >          <div id="hautgauche"></div>
>> >> >> >                <div id="contenu">
>> >> >> >            <?php AfficheToolbarBBCode("ContentNews") ;?>
>> >> >> >                </div>
>> >> >> >                <br />
>> >> >> >        </div>
>> >> >> >        <label for="ContentNews">Contenu / suite de la news*</label>
>> >> >> >        <textarea name="ContentNews" id="ContentNews"></textarea>
>> >> >> >        <div id="ContentError"><img src="style/imgs/action_stop.gif"
>> >> >> > alt="" />Contenu Error !! <img src="style/imgs/action_stop.gif"
>> >> >> > alt="" /></div>
>> >> >> >        <br />
>> >> >> >        <label for="Tags">Tags</label>
>> >> >> >        <input name="TagsNews">
>> >> >> >        <div id="TagsError"><img src="style/imgs/action_stop.gif"
>> >> >> > alt="" />Tags Error !! <img src="style/imgs/action_stop.gif" alt="" /
>> >> >> >></div>
>> >> >> >        Entrer un ou plusieurs tags, separé par une virgule. <i>Les
>> >> >> > tags sont des mots-clés utilisés pour décrire votre news.
>> >> >> >         Par exemple, si votre news contient des photos de plages
>> >> >> > bretonnes, vous pouvez indiquer les tags suivants :
>> >> >> >         photo, plage, Bretagne.</i>
>> >> >> >        <br />
>> >> >> >        <br />
>> >> >> >        <div class="buttons">
>> >> >> >          <a href="#"><img src="style/imgs/sauvegarde.jpg" alt="" />
>> >> >> > Sauvegarder</a>
>> >> >> >        </div>
>> >> >> >        <div class="LastSave">
>> >> >> >          Derniere sauvegarde le 11 Novembre 2008 à 18h30.
>> >> >> >        </div>
>> >> >> >        <br />
>> >> >> >        <br />
>> >> >> >        <div class="buttons">
>> >> >> >          <button type="submit">
>> >> >> >            <img src="style/imgs/send.jpg" alt="" />Envoyer
>> >> >> >          </button>
>> >> >> >        </div>
>> >> >> >        <div class="buttons">
>> >> >> >          <a href="#apercu" onclick="Apercu();"><img src="style/imgs/
>> >> >> > preview.jpg" alt="" />Apercu</a>
>> >> >> >        </div>
>> >> >> >        <br /><br /><br />
>> >> >> >      </form>
>> >> >> > Thanks !!!!

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