> trying to get a file upload to work but for some reason my inputs
> won't post....
> this is what I have
> [code]
> var options = {
>         url:       'includes/images.php?a=add',
>         type:      'post',
>         dataType:  'json',
>         success:   processJson};
> var container = $('div.errors');
> // validate the form when it is submitted
> var validator = $("#newimage").validate({
>         errorContainer: container,
>         errorLabelContainer: $("ol", container),
>         wrapper: 'li',
>         meta: "validate",
>         submitHandler: function(form) {
>                 $("#add-form").fadeOut("slow",function() {
>                         $(form).ajaxSubmit(options);
>                         return false;
>                 });
>         }});
> [/code]
> I have a hidden field in my form called total and I echo it out inside
> of images.php but it's as if the values aren't getting posted because
> it always turns out to be NULL, any reason why it isn't working?

Have you tried it without the "fadeOut" bit?  Can you post a link to a
test page?

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