Merely including jQuery in your page shouldn't interfere with your inline
event handlers at all. I combine them all the time. If you call
someFunction() from an onclick="...", it should work just the same as

Can you post a test page that illustrates the problem? There must be
something else going on, but there's no way to guess what it might be from
the description.


> Hello all, I'm new to jQuery as we are transitioning away 
> from Prototype.
> Basically we have code like this in the HTML.
> <div id="blah" class="blah" onclick="someFunction({src:this, 
> something:else})>Click me</div>
> in our javascript:
> function someFunction(params){
>    var obj = params["src"];
>    ....
>    alert(
> }
> What happens is, if I include the jQuery library, all 
> properties/ attributes become undefined using the traditional 
> method.  So even "obj.className" is undefined.
> All examples I've seen thus far use
> $("#blah).attr("class") to retrieve the class or other like 
> attributes.  However since I don't know the id or the class 
> of the object being passed in, I cannot use jQuery to 
> manipulate the attributes as I need to.
> Things that don't work:
> obj.attr("id")  -->  undefined
> $(obj).attr("id") --> undefined
> $("#blah").attr("id") --> "blah"...but that doesn't help me 
> because I don't know the id ahead of time
> Can someone point me in the right direction?
> We would like not to have to go into every HTML page and 
> change the way the function is called, meaning I know we can 
> get around this if in the onclick method I pass in the id of 
> the element being clicked on instead of the keyword "this", 
> but that wouldn't be feasible to change all the pages in the 
> project at this point.
> Thanks,
> Shao

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