Hey guys! I've got a timer running in my page that creates a new element every few seconds. The idea is to then fade in this new element. I've gotten it to work...but for some reason as the page runs (are more elements get added) the fades start to not finish. Each element gets lighter and and lighter. Sometimes they finish the effect, sometime they don't. It's very strange. What am I doing wrong?
Here is the snippet: ....code that loads id, title, path .... div.innerHTML = div.innerHTML + '<div class="thumbs" id = "thumbs'+id+'"><a href="http:// www.blahblah.com/images/' + path + '" target="_blank" onmouseover="' + 'Tip(\'<div class=\\\'subject\\\'><div class=\\\'bigImage\\\'><img src=\\\'http://www.blahblah.com/images/processed/' + path + '\\\'></div>' + title + '</div>\')" ' + 'onmouseout="UnTip()"><img src="http://www.blahblah.com/images/ thumbs/' + path + '" border = "0"/></a></div>'; $('#thumbs'+id).fadeIn(600); .... closes loop and starts again in a few seconds ....