I wrote a plugin that may help: http://plugins.learningjquery.com/textchildren/
--Karl ____________ Karl Swedberg www.englishrules.com www.learningjquery.com On Aug 24, 2008, at 4:20 PM, Tom B. wrote:
Does anyone have code for a text node selector? I saw this post: http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/2dda27130338f1af/b04adcf147e15ab1 but the function textNodes didn't seem to work with the current version of jQuery. I'm a bit new to jQuery, but I ultimately want to do a regex find and replace on all of the text nodes in a tree (the function needs to select children, grandchildren, etc), so any tips on the best way to do that would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks, Tom