I worked on another, simpler example of reloading the listing with a
link, and I get the same unwanted results.

In the iframe:
    $("#refreshB").click(function() {
            type: "GET",
            url: "http://www.mysite.com";,
            beforeSend: function() {
                $("#adminToolsListingB .scroll",
                $("#adminToolsListingB .ajaxLoading",
            success: function(html) {
                $("#adminToolsListingB .ajaxLoading",
                $("#adminEditListingB .scroll",
        return false;

The link:
<a href="#" id="refreshB">Refresh</a>

Still not rebinding the events in the parent frame.  I am missing
something here?  It seems that this should work, as it is updating the
DOM in the parent frame correctly, and I would expect Livequery to see
that, and rebind.

On Aug 24, 4:02 pm, hubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to track down a problem, and I am wondering if it has to
> do with iFrames.
> I use livequery to rebind some the jQuery UI draggable event to a list
> of links.  I have an ajax refresh button, which refreshes the list,
> and livequery rebinds the draggable events, which works great.
> But, I have an iFrame on the page which will create a new link within
> that list.  So, after the form is submitted in the iframe, it uses
> the .ajax() GET method to reload the list of links in the parent
> window, exactly how the ajax refresh button works.  But, it seems that
> livequery is not rebinding the UI draggable events, and I am wondering
> if it is because the change came from the iFrame.
> Does this seem like it could be the problem, or should I keep digging?
> This one works:
>                    $.ajax({
>                         type: "GET",
>                         url: "http://www.mysite.com";,
>                         beforeSend: function() {
>                             $("#adminToolsListingA .scroll").html("");
>                             $
> ("#adminToolsListingA .ajaxLoading").show();
>                         },
>                         success: function(html) {
>                             $
> ("#adminToolsListingA .ajaxLoading").hide();
>                             $
> ("#adminEditListingA .scroll").html(html);
>                         }
>                     });
> This one does not:
>                     $.ajax({
>                         type: "GET",
>                         url: "http://www.mysite.com";,
>                         beforeSend: function() {
>                             $("#adminToolsListingB .scroll",
> parent.document).html("");
>                             $("#adminToolsListingB .ajaxLoading",
> parent.document).show();
>                         },
>                         success: function(html) {
>                             $("#adminToolsListingB .ajaxLoading",
> parent.document).hide();
>                             $("#adminEditListingB .scroll",
> parent.document).html(html);
>                         }
>                     });
> Livequery binding draggable UI:
>     $("#adminEditListingB .itemHolder a").livequery(function() {
>         $(this).draggable({
>             helper: 'clone',
>             appendTo: 'body',
>             cursor: 'move'
>         });
>     });

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