> I am having trouble with the $ not defined error and after reading
> Karl's response (http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/
> browse_thread/thread/17dab2899c5cfc18/7312dc68c84d93af?lnk=gst&q=%24+is
> +not+defined#7312dc68c84d93af) I have assured myself that it is in
> fact NOT loading my local copy of the jquery file.
> I have tried placing it in the same directory as the calling file, my
> js directory, all diff places.   I renamed the download file to
> jquery126.js and did the following...
> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery126.js"></script>
> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/global.js"></script>
> Oddly enough when using firebug - I can confirm that the jquery file
> is giving me a 404  - yet the global.js file is being served just
> fine.  They are both located in the same placve, I have confirmed the
> file spelling etc.  I even tried using the Dreamweaver code hints to
> help me browse for and select the correct file.
> Yet the only file that will not wok is my jquery file.
> Any ideas anyone?

What type of webserver are you using?  Sometimes webapps need to be
bounced when deployed into app servers like WebSphere in order to
"redeploy" static resources.


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