This thread mentions a plugin that you might find useful. Perhaps it
could be adapted to what you need:

On Aug 28, 12:30 pm, Steven Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I develop and host wikis where users enter free-form text, and my
> server-side parsers create WISIWYG HTML from this.
> Of course, users can, and do, submit almost anything, and on the
> server-side I do a pretty good job of marking it up properly.  But
> addressing edge-cases makes the server-side parsing increasingly
> heavy.
> One such edge case is islands of text that are not in any tag other
> than the global containing DIV.  Like this:
> <div class="container">
>   <h3>I am text within a tag</h3>
>   I am a text island child of the "container" div wrapper.  <--- My
> edge case
>   <p>I am also text within a tag</p>
> </div>
> QUESTION: Using jQuery, how would you select orphan text inside a DIV
> in order to $.wrap() it, say, in a "<p>" tag?
> I'm thinking I could ask the client browsers to address some of these
> edge-cases for me.
> Ideas?  Something like $
> (".container").textFragmentsNotInsideAnyOtherTag()
> **--**  Steve

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