After a lot of trial and error I determined that the site's existing
CSS was  NOT at fault. From there I started looking at page markup.

What I eventually found was that every page is dynamically generated
and shares a common header. The first line in every page is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

Removing it fixes the problem.

-- Brad

On Aug 29, 9:13 am, Brad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm using the latest Tabs in a project that already has an established
> page layout. I'm using the tab styles like the ones 
> at
> On Mozilla, Opera and Safari the tabs display fine, but on IE 6 the
> space below the tab label and tab bottom is missing. As a result in IE
> 6 the tab height is less than in the other browsers, and the font
> descenders touch the tab base. BTW, Is there a way to include
> screenshots in this forum?
> I'm certain that something in the page's existing CSS is cascading to
> the Tab's CSS, but since it doesn't happen in the other browsers, I'm
> having a hard time figuring out what it is. I'm not a CSS expert but
> know that there are some quirks in IE.
> I have included the special IE CSS file, as shown below, but that
> doesn't help.
> <!--[if lte IE 7]>
> <link rel="stylesheet" href="tabs_ie.css" type="text/css"
> media="projection, screen" />
> <![endif]-->
> If anyone can offer any suggestions I'd greatly appreciate it.

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