a common trick i use to get around situations where an event may be
bound twice is to add an unbind into the chain. like so:

var kd = function(event) {

$().unbind('keydown', kd).keydown(kd);

it's a bit quick and dirty, but it works.


On Aug 29, 9:12 am, me-and-jQuery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello. So I have a problem that when I get jQuery code in ajax
> response and you click few times to activate ajax call, there are
> multiple instances of same code. Lets see the example with keydown.
> FILE 1:
> <script>
> $(document).ready(
>         function() {
>                         $("#my_div").click(function() {
>                                         $.ajax({
>                                                         type: "GET",
>                                                         url: "test.php",
>                                                         success: 
> function(data) {
> $("#div_ajax").html(data);
>                                                         }
>                                         })
>                         })
>         }
> )
> </script>
> <div id="my_div">Click here</div>
> <div id="div_ajax"></div>
> <script>
> $().keydown(function(event) {
>                 alert(event.keyCode);});
> </script>
> Ajax content loaded...
> So, if I click on my_div twice, there will be two listeners for keys
> and for same keydown two alerts.
> I can solve this issue with ifs, but what is the best way to prevent
> this behaviour? Maybe in the way of singletons or something?
> Thanks for any advice, I am sure there must be simple and effective
> solution. Have a nice day.

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