Is anyone aware of a simple example which appends a node to an
existing XmlDocument?

I am successfully able to update an XmlDocument using the attr()
method. So:

$(xmlElement).attr("Name","new name");

I am even able to create new attributes using this method.

What I would like to be able to do now is create a new child element
of that same xmlElement. I have tried using the after() and
insertAfter() methods:

$(xmlElement).after("<item ItemId='" + newId + "'></item>");

but this does not update the main XmlDocument. I can tell this by
using FireBug's dirxml() output display. So if I do:

$(xmlElement).after("<item ItemId='" + newId + "'></item>");

the outputs are exactly the same.

Can anyone shed some light on this issue? Thanks.

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