i'm trying to create a "news ticker" using the cycle plugin.
everything works really well, but i run into some trouble -
first, i want to use the pager to show which article is on and how
many there are, but i want it on the right side or at the bottom of
the div containing the item. i couldn't find a simple way to go about
it yet, other then styling it in a fashion i'm trying to avoid. would
be much easier if there was a way to render the pager code elsewhere
on the page (other then ".before" the main div). is there?

second, i want the transitions to pause when the mouse is over the
"news div". i've tried using this code, to no avail (it pauses, but
does not resume):
<div id="s4" class="pics" onMouseOver="javascript:$
('#s4').cycle('pause');" onMousOut="javascript:$

any help would be greatly appreciated!



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