Morning Morningz,

> Why wouldn't you just have
> <select name="customer" id="customer">
>             <option value="50ccdae0-79bf-11dd-ad8b-0800200c9a66">Joe
> Bloggs</option>
>             <option value="9c335820-d878-4db3-b90a-728046cb8849">Dave
> Something</option>
> </select>
> <a id="CompanyLink"></a>
> <script type="text/javascript">
> $(document).ready(function() {
>       $("#customer").change(SetLink);
>       SetLink();
> });
> function SetLink() {
>        var obj = document.getElementById("#customer");
>        obj = obj.options[obj.selectedIndex];
>        $("#CompanyLink")
>                 .attr("href", '/view_customer_company.cfm?company_id='
> + obj.value)
>                 .html('View ' + obj.text + ' Company');
> }
> </script>
> deeming the key/value lookup unnecessary?

The reason I can't do this is because the
9c335820-d878-4db3-b90a-728046cb8849 isn't the ID of the customer which is
ultimately what I need when I submit the form, so this has to stay as the
numeric ID value. The link which changes is just a usability thing to allow
my users to quickly check the background of the customer before they submit
the form, but to check the background I need their company_id, which is why
we need the key:value pair.

Is the key:value pair complicated to implement into your above example? I
understand the code you've provided but wouldn't really know where to start
enhancing it.

Thanks for your advice mate, I appreciate it.


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