You can use the showErrors and errorPlacement options to customize
error placement. Start with errorPlacement, which is easier to

Take a look at the source of this demo for an example of using
errorPlacement in a table layout:


On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 1:41 PM, altern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How can I point the element in which validation error is shown? I have
> specific validation form that consists of many radio buttons.
> Vaidation error is shown near the first radio button that have the
> same 'name' attribute. Problem is that I do not want to have error
> near the first radio element, but near the last or in another 'td'
> element. All radio buttons are in separate <td> element and are
> grouped into table row. Example:
> <tr>
>        <th>Name</th>
>        <th>A</th>
>        <th>B</th>
>        <th>C</th>
>        <th>D</th>
> </tr>
> <tr>
>        <td>question 1</td> <-- I want error to be shown here
>        <td>A<input type="button" class="required" name="answer1" value="A"/
>></td> <-- error is shown here
>        <td>B<input type="button" class="required" name="answer1" value="B"/
>        <td>C<input type="button" class="required" name="answer1" value="C"/
>        <td>D<input type="button" class="required" name="answer1" value="D"/
> </tr>
> 'ErrorLabelContainer' option does not work. It causes great bunch of
> errors to be shown in one element and it looks like 'This field is
> required. This field is required. This field is required. This field
> is required...'
> Any thoughts are appreciated

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