Hi guys I've been trying to implement Mika Tuupola's Jeditable plugin,
but found a couple of things not working, presumably not bugs but my
own mistakes during implementation, I've -unsuccesfully- tried to
solve them by myself, and couldn't get an aswer from the plugin
developer, so I'll hope somebody in the community can help me.

- I can't style the form element at all, I mean when you click the
editable text and it is transformed into a textfield/textarea, it has
a plain style, I'm unable to customize it neither using {cssclass :
"someclass"} nor with {style : "property: atribute"}. Are those
options available and functioning OK? Why can it be failing?

- When I click an editable text, and then hit Enter or Esc or click
outside the textfield, the textfield goes back to text, as expected.
But when I have multiple editable texts in the same page (same
cssclass, obviously different IDs) and click/make editable one of
them, then click on another, the previous one doesn't reset its
editable state back to text, but the editable textfield persists.
Eventually I can set as editable every piece of text along the page,
clicking on each of them. If I click outside them, just the last
clicked got reset.

I'll appreciate any help or feedback, or in the last instance, some
consolation :)

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