
This is my first week programming in Javascript and more specifically,

I'm working on a nice little fun project to kinda get my hands dirty.
I have a page that has a variety of "roll over" divs, which are to
turn the color the users is select, if they dont click it *should*
turn it back to what the color of the div was before. (It doesnt, i
havent gotten that far YET!)

ANYWAY ---- My real question is that my script is suppose to be using
this .ajax functoin to send a POST request to another page. As you can
see from the code below, i'm clearly not doing it as it was intended.
I think this is causing all of my problems, because after the users
clicks the submit goes through, but then jQuery loses it's ability to
do any of the functions i created (also see below for the functions).
How can I get jQuery to use the new divs that are populated as a
result of an .ajax request.


        //Global Variable so both mouseover and mouseout can use the previous
        var p_color = "";

        \$(".button").hover(function () {
                var color = \$("input#color_code").val();
                var p_color = \$(this).css("background-color");
                \$(this).css({ backgroundColor:color });
        }, function () {
        \$(this).css("background-color") == p_color;

        \$(".button").click(function () {
                var color = \$("input#color_code").val();
                \$(this).css({ backgroundColor:color });
                color = color.substr(1);
                var id_select = \$(this).attr("id");
                id_select = id_select.substr(1);
                        type: "POST",
                        url: "/creator.pl?colorselect=" + color + "idselect=" + 
id_select +
                        success: function(){ 
+ color + "&id_select=" + id_select + "") }


Thank you for any help you can provide, i've been trying to fix it all

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