morning jQueryians

anyone have an idea?


On Sep 4, 6:08 pm, tlob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello I am fairly new to jQuery and JS, so be nice to me ;-)
> I added the validation Plug into my form.
> I have 5*2 Input fields in form of the UI/datepicker. Every pair can
> be blank or both have to be filled out. Pretty simple... not for me.
> I cant get my head around it. I try to do it the propper way with the
> addMethod (
> addMethod). Seems the propper way to me.
> <showDate1>
> <TicketsforDate1>
> <showDate2>
> <TicketsforDate2>
> <showDate3>
> <TicketsforDate3>
> <showDate4>
> <TicketsforDate4>
> <showDate5>
> <TicketsforDate5>
> do you guys have a simple clean solution for this? Thanks in advance!

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