I have a php page where retrieve rows from a table.
Eeach displayed row shall have a tooltip with some info about that
I use http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-tooltip/
There can be many rows on the page and everyone will have a span with
I initialize tooltip with the following statement:
                track: false,
                delay: 0,
                showURL: false,
                fixPNG: true,
                extraClass: "pretty",
                top: -15,
                left: 5

unfortunatley, tooltip works only on first row and the other will just
appeart the title and not the tooltip.
I know I can call the tooltip function by telling wich IDs the tooltip
shall be applied, but as I can have 40/50 rows per page, I dont't
wanna spam my code with such a ugly code:

Any help or idea?

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