
        $('.Boite a').click(function(){

On Sep 5, 1:38 pm, "israel.hayes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was using MooTools before and I'm kinda new to jQuery, I'd like to
> know how you would modify this to use it in jQuery, Thanks,
> - Israel
> window.addEvent('domready', function()
> {
>     var Boites = $$('.Boite');
>     Boites.each(function(Boite)
>     {
>         var Lien = Boite.getElement('a');
>         Lien.addEvent('click', function()
>         {
>             var Boite = Lien.getParent();
>             var Contenu = Boite.getElement('div');
>             if(Contenu.style.display == "none")
>             {
>                 Contenu.style.display = "block";
>             }
>             else
>             {
>                 Contenu.style.display = "none";
>             }
>         });
>         var Contenu = Boite.getElement('div');
>         Contenu.style.display = 'none';
>     });
> });

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