Thanks, I was able to get the filter to work; now I have to figure out
how to get it to act on page load.

I wasn't able to get the S function to work - you place the
declaration before the actual filtering right?
And do I need to include another file besides the core jquery file?

I wasn't able to look at the documentation; that part of the site must
be having problems - it still hasn't loaded.

$('td').filter('[width="65%"]').click(function () {
$(this).replaceWith("<td width='65%'><a href='classDetails.php?class="
+ $(this).text() + "'>" + $(this).text() + "</a></td>");

On Sep 5, 1:36 am, "Michael Geary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think you're missing some [] in your filter selector:
>     $('td').filter('[width="65%"]').click...
> Also, I strongly recommend using single quotes instead of double quotes for
> all your JavaScript strings. As you can see, it eliminates the need for the
> backslash escaping in the filter selector, and it also helps you avoid using
> invalid code like the <a href='...'> that the code generates. HTML
> attributes are supposed to use double quotes, not single quotes, so by using
> single quotes for your JS strings it's easy to use double quotes inside
> them:
>     .replaceWith( '<td width="65%">...' )
> Instead of:
>     .replaceWith( "<td width='65%'>..." )
> One last tip... Here's a nice clean way to generate that HTML code:
>     $(this).replaceWith( S(
>         '<td width="65%">',
>             '<a href="classDetails.php?class=', $(this).text(), '">',
>                 $(this).text(),
>             '</a>',
>         '</td>'
>     ));
> This way you can indent it so it's much easier to keep track of whether
> you've closed your tangs and such.
> S() is this handy string concatenation function, which can be faster than
> using + when you have a lot of strings to concatenate, and I think the ,
> instead of + makes it a little easier to read too.
>     function S() {
>         return arguments, '' );
>     }
> -Mike
> > From:jhead
> > I am wanting to turn all TD tags, that have width="65%", into
> > links, based on the tag text, when the page loads.
> > I don't have access to change the HTML itself.
> > I have gotten part way there, but have been unable to get the
> > filter to work:
> > [code]
> >            <script language="JavaScript">
> >                    $(document).ready(function(){
> > $("td").filter("width=\"65%\"").click(function () {
> >                            $(this).replaceWith("<td
> > width='65%'><a href='classDetails.php?class=" +
> > $(this).text() + "'>" + $
> > (this).text() + "</a></td>");
> >                            });
> >                    });
> >            </script>
> > [/code]
> > And here is some of the HTML from the document:
> > [code]
> > <tr valign="top">
> >             <td nowrap="nowrap" width="10%" align="right">&nbsp;</td>
> >             <td nowrap="nowrap" width="20%">&nbsp;</td>
> >             <td width="65%">Introductory Chemistry I</td>
> >             <td nowrap="nowrap" width="5%" align="right">3</td>
> >         </tr>
> > [/code]
> > What would I need to add to filter out all the TD tags that
> > don't have width="65%"?
> > And have it take effect after the page loads instead of on click?
> > I tried to replace click with ready, but no effect. And
> > removing the ready wrapper breaks things.
> > Thanks,
> >JHead

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