doesnt jmaps throw some kind of error (or err return val) when it can't find
the address?
to put markup for your webapp inside jmaps is bad code design, so dont do it
unless you absolutely have to. re-read the jmaps docs.

On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 3:48 PM, pedalpete <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've been using the jmaps plugin for a bit, and I added a bit of code
> to it so that when an address is not found, it writes a message to the
> user.
> I now have a situation where there are two different locations on the
> page where the message might be written to, depending on what the user
> has done (did they select an address? or did they search for an
> address?).
> I've been trying to launch a function from the plugin, but I keep
> getting 'function not found errors', and I've tried returning a null
> value, or testing for a null value, but that hasn't worked either.
> Any ideas on this would be appreciated.
> The change I've made to the plugin is simply
> [code]
> if(!F){
> $('.searchHolder').html('<span class="holdError</span><center>The
> address could not be found. Enter a new address to search</center></
> span>');
> return;
> }
> [/code]
> where F is I guess the response from google, but then the jmaps plugin
> does a bunch of stuff with the response.
> but now I want to do something like
> if search then write to searchHolder
> if clicked address, write to address item
> I hope there is a simple way to do this,
> Pete

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